Strategic Plan for 2023-2026
Our new Strategic Plan (which you can read by clicking on the photo at right) was designed to promote sustainability in the Bay Area and beyond by engaging communities in avian science, habitat restoration, and education. Through this plan, from 2023 through 2026 we will significantly widen and deepen our community engagement by pursuing three broad strategies:
INFORM - We will expand the use of our data and research, and engage with other scientific communities and resource-management agencies, to address climate change, habitat loss, and other environmental issues. INSPIRE - We will inspire people to ACT to protect birds and to promote sustainability. To accomplish this, we will build upon our current suite of communications and youth and adult-education programs to serve more diverse communities, deepen their engagement with our organization, and challenge them to take action to promote sustainability. INVOLVE - We will promote sustainability by engaging more diverse groups of volunteers and partners in our work to collect scientific data and to restore habitats. |
We cannot do this without your help! Please partner with us by becoming an SFBBO Member or renewing your Membership today!
Header photo: American Avocets by Tom Grey