Explore the Bay Area with SFBBO
From virtual presentations to volunteer events and outings in the field, SFBBO offers a variety of programs for people to engage with birds and conservation. If you'd like to partner with us on an event, please contact [email protected].
By registering for events, SFBBO may collect personal information such as names, emails, and addresses. SFBBO does not trade, give away, or sell your information to any group, organization, or individual.
Support our work: Learn how you can help us engage more communities in our work by reading our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.
Check out our Birdy Hour Speaker Series: Hear scientists, volunteers, and birders discuss avian research, birds and birding, and more. Check out recordings of our talks and other videos on our YouTube channel. Follow us on social media
for all the latest information on our activities! SFBBO's COVID Prevention Policy for Events
If you have COVID-19, are having upper respiratory COVID-like symptoms, or if you have recently had close contact with someone who has COVID, stay home and do not attend events ("close-contact" is defined as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes at any time beginning 24 hours before the infected person had symptoms). SFBBO recommends mask use to reduce viral transmission. In some high transmission risk environments, such as at the Coyote Creek Field Station, we continue to require it. Pay careful attention to the masking requirements for any event you attend. Please check out our full COVID-19 Prevention Policy or contact your staff activity leader with questions. Thank you! |
Header photo: Acorn Woodpecker by Tara Johnson