SFBBO Wish List
Donating office and field equipment is another way you can support SFBBO and conservation science. We request that all equipment donated is in good working order, as we do not have the resources to repair objects. All donations are tax-deductible. For more information or more details about items on this list. Please contact us at [email protected] or 408.946.6548.
- Lenovo Thinkpad L, T, W, or X series laptops less than 4 years old running Windows 10
- Subscriptions to Adobe graphic design software, Illustrator and InDesign and video editing software
- 3D printed things (contact us at [email protected] for details)
- Motorola Consumer Radios MT3552R FRS Weatherproof Two-Way
- 3 Sets of Motorola 53615 Talkabout Rechargeable Batter Packs
- 2 Sets of Motorola 1532 1300 mAh NiMH Rechargeable High-Capacity Battery Packs
- Treated Burrowing Owl Pellets
- Colored pipe cleaners and beads for kids education activities at Coyote Creek Field Station
- Prizes for kids (such as craft kits, books, stickers, etc.)
- Compact binoculars (such as 8x25 binoculars from Olympus or Bushnell) for kids to use during field trips
- Life Preservers/Personal Flotation Devices
- Anti-bacterial hand wipes or hand sanitizer
- Cardboard pet carriers (cat-sized)
- Garbage and Ziplock bags (various sizes)
- Vinyl exam gloves (smaller sizes)
- Spotting Scopes with tripods or window mounts (please check with us for details at [email protected])
- GPS Units (Garmin)
- Digital Camera: Canon or Nikon interchangeable-lens digital SLR with standard macro lens
- 55 Gallon Drum
- Large tarps
- Weather station Ambient Weather WS-1002-WIFI Observer
- Purple air AQI sensor
- Motus Towers ($5-$10K) (for details please contact Lead Biologist Dan Wenny at [email protected])
- Short Kayaks (plastic, 1-person with paddles)
- Inflatable zodiac (12-14', capable of supporting 15 hp outboard motor)
- 15 hp outboard motor
- Truck, SUV, or Wagon (suitable for off- and on-road use)
- Gift cards